The 55th Anniversary Sports Day

Date: 24/10/2024

The 55th Anniversary Sports Day has officially come to an end. At this year’s closing ceremony, we are honored to invite the winner of the Hong Kong Humanitarian Award, a visually impaired runner, Leung Siu-wai as a guest of honor. Mr. Leung expressed disbelief of his blindness while going through the worst phase of his life. God restored him to a position of power even greater than what had known before.

The most important thing of sports is not to win, but to take part. Mr. Leung has enrooted all of us enlightenment as we encourage students to learn to embrace their own weakness and to prepare for the adversity that will inevitably come.

Coinciding with the school’s 55th anniversary, we are delighted to invite our alumni, parents and teaches to join this year’s 1500-meter Fun Run. To have everyone close to gather and be in the moment was truly magical. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun.

Congratulations to Wilhelm Louis House for winning the overall championship. It was a fierce competition out on the field, with all four houses giving their absolute best. We can't wait for next year's Inter-House Sports combat!
