
Overall Aims

The overall aims of the Chemistry curriculum are to enable students to:

  • develop interest and maintain a sense of wonder and curiosity about chemistry; 
  • construct and apply knowledge of chemistry, and appreciate the relationship between chemistry and other disciplines;
  • appreciate and understand the evolutionary nature of science;
  • develop skills for making scientific inquiries;
  • develop the ability to think scientifically, critically and creatively, and solve problems individually and collaboratively in chemistry-related contexts;
  • discuss science-related issues using the language of chemistry;
  • make informed decisions and judgements on chemistry-related issues;
  • develop open-mindedness, objectivity and pro-activeness;
  • show appropriate awareness of working safely; and
  • understand and evaluate the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of chemistry, and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship.


Features of the School-based Curriculum


  • Atoms, elements and Periodic Table
  • Mixtures and compounds
  • Metals and materials of the modern world


S.4 – S.6 (Chemistry Curriculum)

  • Compulsory Part (12 Topics)
  • Elective Part
  1. Industrial Chemistry
  2. Analytical Chemistry


Co-curricular Activities

In addition to classroom learning, we also encourage our students to participate in co-curricular activities in order to broaden their horizons. The Chemistry Department has established Chemistry Society to enable students to unleash their potential. Students are encouraged to perform scientific investigation and seize every opportunity to participate in seminars organized by various universities, visit different laboratories and take part in science competitions such as the Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition. In the past, our S.4 – S.6 students participated in the International Chemistry Quiz organized by Royal Australian Chemical Institute. They performed well attaining good results.


Useful Links

Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong

Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University

Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong

Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

Curriculum of Chemistry in HKDSE

Hong Kong Association of Science and Mathematics Education

Royal Society of Chemistry – Learn Chemistry




